Beyond Finance
Drawing Ideas, Inspiration and Models from other Fields
articles 31-40 / 83 |
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The Food Crises and Political Instability in North Africa and the Middle East
New England Complex Systems Institute, August 10, 2011 , M. Lagi, K.Z. Bertrand, Y. Bar-Yam
What Happened to Virtue?
In the midst of the Great Depression, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon famously advised President Hoover to “liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate” instead of propping each industry up with tax dollars. This liquidation doctrine would “purge the rottenness out of the system” and make certain that “people will work harder” and “live a more moral life.”
Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada, September 26, 2012 , James E. Miller
Ubiquity, Complexity Theory, and Sandpiles
When things are unstable, it isn’t the last grain of sand that causes the pile to collapse or the slight breeze that causes the ruler on your fingertip to fall. Those are the "proximate" causes. They’re the closest reasons at hand for the collapse. The real reason, though, is the "remote" cause, the farthest reason. The farthest reason is the underlying instability of the system itself.
How Change Happens , John Mauldin, August 17, 2012
Destroyed in Seconds
To my knowledge, there has NEVER before been a case (except in war or natural disaster) when a legitimate business has been destroyed so quickly — as what Knight Capital Group (KCG) experienced.
Daily Speculations, August 3, 2012 , Rocky Humbert
Behind the Great Firewall of China
Smart Censorship and Air Quality Data in Beijing.
Ted.com, July 2012 , Michatel Anti (aka Jing Zhao)
The Incredible Jobs Machine
How can government do the right thing to help productivity and the employment it fosters? Get out of the way. Every government-mandated low-flow toilet, phosphorous-free dishwasher detergent, CFL light bulb, and carbon-emission regulation is another obstacle on the way to a productive, job-creating economy that produces things consumers really want.
WSJ, July 16, 2012 , Andy Kessler
Could You Survive
The current issue of Outside magazine has an article called "Could You Survive" with 27 tips on how to survive a shark attack, a cougar attack, an avalanche, falling through ice, and a forest fire. The tips seem very relevant to how to survive in markets.
Daily Speculations, July 16, 2012 , Victor Niederhoffer
Creative Destruction in Action
The singular aspect of Moore’s law means that these disruptive forces are becoming more frequent and therefore occurring over a shorter period of time. We should prepare ourselves for some exciting developments over the coming decades.
Lobnek Wealth Management, Newsletter, May 2012 , Altug Ulkumen, CFA, Partner & Chief Investment Officer
Capturing Value in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad and iPhone
"We find that Apple continues to capture the largest share of value from these innovations (...) China’s role is much smaller than most casual observers would think."
University of California, Irvine, University of California, Berkeley and Syracuse University , Kenneth L. Kraemer, Greg Linden, and Jason Dedrick
Declining Trust in Institutions
A recent polling data confirms a disturbing trend in our society.
Investments Office; Gallup, May 2012
Bubbles and Crashes
Business Cycles Central Banks
Commodities Contrarian
Creative Destruction Credit Crunch
Current Account
Deflation Depression
Equity Europe Financial Crisis Fiscal Policy
Gloom and Doom Gold
Government Debt
Historical Patterns
Household Debt Inflation
Interest Rates
Market Timing
Monetary Policy Oil Panics Permabears PIIGS Predictions
Productivity Real Estate
Sovereign Bonds Systemic Risk
Tail Risk
Tipping Point Trade Balance
U.S.A. Uncertainty