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Banque Cantonale de Genève
Quai de l'Ile 17 - CP 2251
1211 Genève 2



Tel: +41 58 211 21 00






A universal bank since 1816, the Swiss Bank of Geneva (Banque Cantonale de Genève - BCGE), provides diversified and high-quality banking services to private and institutional customers: everyday banking facilities, private banking and asset management, pension planning, mortgages, lending to the private and public sectors, trading, financial engineering, corporate finance and global commodity finance services.


The mission of the Institutional Investors department is to make available the Bank’s entire asset management expertise to institutional clients (pension funds, trusts, family offices or corporately managed assets). In addition to traditional management mandates, the Bank also offers private equity investments.


Asset Management made in Switzerland

BCGE Asset Management is in line with the recognized Swiss know-how in management. The solidity of its organization and the recurrence in its decision-making model, concomitant with the expertise of the financial centre, contribute to the reputation of the range of Synchrony funds in Switzerland and abroad.


Thanks to a thorough knowledge of the domestic market, BCGE Swiss Equities funds regularly rank amongst the top performing ones. Synchrony Small & Mid Caps CH and Synchrony Swiss All Caps CH are two of our flagship funds. Both show a long track record (10 and 6 years respectively) and provide customers with the best investment opportunities in Switzerland.


In addition to our actively managed funds and mandates, we also offer index-based investment solutions such as Synchrony Optimised SPI and Synchrony Swiss Government Bonds. Some of our funds integrate SRI creteria as well.


To learn more about our offering to institutional investors, please contact our Geneva or Zurich offices below:



BCCE Geneva


Michel Gada

Tel +41 22 809 34 78


Patrizio Arioni

Tel +41 22 809 75 30


Pierre Weiss

Tel +41 22 809 31 00

Florence Aubry

Tel +41 22 809 75 50



BCGE Zurich


Cécile Eberhard
Tel +41 44 224 65 28