The Gold Standard of the 1930s and the Euro today
The longer the country remained on the Gold Standard the longer it took for the economy to restore their pre-1929 levels of activity.
Deutsche Bank, Investments Office , June 2012
Book Review: The End of Growth
Thinking globally and examining history can reveal the flaws in books forecasting economic doom.
Fisher Investments, MarketMinder, 14.05.2012 , By Naj Srinivas
The Prolonged Resolution of Troubled Real Estate Lenders During the 1930s
Federal Reserve Board, Working Paper, 2012-31 , Jonathan D. Rose, May 8, 2012
Hugh Hendry 2012 Letter and Views
After two years of silence, Hugh Hendry is back and still at his best with a new investment and shareholder letter.
The Eclectica Fund, April 2012 , Hugh Hendry
La Grèce Contemporaine
Observations on Greece's Public finances from 1858. Some things never change!
Troisième Edition, Paris 1858 , Edmond About
The Fed’s Dual Mandate Responsibilities: Maintaining Credibility during a Time of Immense Economic Challenges
Rather than fighting the inflation ghosts of the 1970s, I am more worried about repeating the mistakes of the 1930s.
Chicago Fed , Speech delivered by President Charles L. Evans, October 2011
Some of the Worst Book Timings
From "Dow 40'000" in June 1999 to the "Great Depression Ahead" in January 2009, and "Why the Real Estate Boom will not Bust" in 2006 !
InvestmentsOffice.com , Ronald Weber
UK Public Debt as a percentage of GDP since 1692
HM Treasury; Gregory Clark (2008), www.ukpublicspending.co.uk; Office of National Statistics; McKinsey Global Institute
US Government Debt as a percentage of GDP since 1792
Total US Credit Market Debt in Gold Terms
Crossborder Capital