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The Incredible Jobs Machine
How can government do the right thing to help productivity and the employment it fosters? Get out of the way. Every government-mandated low-flow toilet, phosphorous-free dishwasher detergent, CFL light bulb, and carbon-emission regulation is another obstacle on the way to a productive, job-creating economy that produces things consumers really want.
WSJ, July 16, 2012 , Andy Kessler
Creative Destruction in Action
The singular aspect of Moore’s law means that these disruptive forces are becoming more frequent and therefore occurring over a shorter period of time. We should prepare ourselves for some exciting developments over the coming decades.
Lobnek Wealth Management, Newsletter, May 2012 , Altug Ulkumen, CFA, Partner & Chief Investment Officer
Capturing Value in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad and iPhone
"We find that Apple continues to capture the largest share of value from these innovations (...) China’s role is much smaller than most casual observers would think."
University of California, Irvine, University of California, Berkeley and Syracuse University , Kenneth L. Kraemer, Greg Linden, and Jason Dedrick
Apple vs PIIGS
As of April 2012, Apple was worth almost as much as all the companies In Spain, Portugal and Greece combined.
Investments Office; Birinyi & Associates
U.S. Corporate Profit Margins – Highest Ever!
An interesting chart from GMO, and a strong case on the driving force behind these margin expansions
What Goes Up Must Come Down! - GMO White Paper, March 2012 , James Montier
The Economic Impact of a Lone Business Jet
In those times of private-aviation bashing, here is a very thorough description of the positive economic impact and multiplication-effect related to a single business jet.
Jeremy Cox, January 2012
A Web of Misperceptions
A look around the web at some common misperceptions—and some alternative perspective to consider.
Fisher Investments MarketMinder , 02.01.2012
The Long March of the Euro Communist Economies
"The media all over the world, but especially in France, are presenting the crisis as a financial one, as if the governments and the politicians have no responsibility. This crisis is in fact very typical of a communist system arriving at the end of its ability to borrow and make the productive system service the debt it has accumulated, simply because the productive sector is going bust."
GaveKal Five Corners, Volume 12, Issue 24, Monday, December 12, 2011 , Anatole Kaletsky, Charles Gave, Francois Chauchat
There will be Oil
For decades, advocates of 'peak oil' have been predicting a crisis in energy supplies. They've been wrong at every turn, says Daniel Yergin.
WSJ, December 2011
Creative Destruction at its Best: The History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1896-2010
Over 106 stocks have been a member of the Dow at some point or another.
This chart marks the span of time that each one of these stocks spent in the Dow, and shows the rise and fall of the index over this time frame.
Financial Graph & Art , John Paul Koning
Bubbles and Crashes
Business Cycles Central Banks
Commodities Contrarian
Creative Destruction Credit Crunch
Current Account
Deflation Depression
Equity Europe Financial Crisis Fiscal Policy
Gloom and Doom Gold
Government Debt
Historical Patterns
Household Debt Inflation
Interest Rates
Market Timing
Monetary Policy Oil Panics Permabears PIIGS Predictions
Productivity Real Estate
Sovereign Bonds Systemic Risk
Tail Risk
Tipping Point Trade Balance
U.S.A. Uncertainty