
 Investment Office

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Pension Funds Switzerland 2019

is made possible thanks to the following sponsors:


















   Pension Funds - Pension Funds Switzerland - Industry-Wide Funds

Veska Pensionskasse


Pension Fund Name


Veska Pensionskasse



Address Contact
Jurastrasse 9 Tel +41 62 824 6379
5000 Aarau


Facts and Figures


Category Industry-Wide Pension Fund
Membership 7’600 active, 1’310 retired
Assets 1’384 million
Performance -4.00%
Funded Ratio 115.90%



Senior Contacts



Martin Hammele



5000 Aarau





Public Pension Funds



Corporate Pension Funds



Industry-Wide Funds



Multi-Employer Funds




Pension Funds Switzerland 2019

 For institutional investors only


Pension Funds Switzerland 2018

 For institutional investors only


Pension Funds Switzerland 2017

 For institutional investors only


Pension Funds Switzerland 2016

 For institutional investors only



Pension Funds Guide
Switzerland 2015

 For institutional investors only

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