Pension Funds Switzerland 2019
is made possible thanks to the following sponsors:

Pension Funds - Pensionskassen - Caisses de Pensions
Switzerland 2018
List of State, Cantons, Cities and Counties Funds |
List of Corporate Pension Funds | |
List of Professional and Industry Associations Funds
| |
Multi-Employers and Collective Schemes | |
The 50 Biggest Pension Funds in Switzerland
Assets are in million SFr, Returns and Funded Ratio, as of 31.12.2017
Source: Markets Tools GmbH
* Source: Towers Watson, P&I/TW300 Analysis, August 2013
For institutional investors only

For institutional investors only

Pension Funds Switzerland 2017
For institutional investors only

For institutional investors only

For institutional investors only

pdf Version
Asset Allocation 2018
Switzerland, U.K., U.S., P7 Australia, Canada, Japan, Netherlands

Asset Allocation
from 1998 to 2018

Asset Allocation Switzerland and the U.S.
end 2008, vs. 2013 vs. 2018
