Although deflationary winds are a risk in the developed world, they have yet to become embedded in expectations.
PIMCO, Viewpoints, August 2012 , Scott A. Mather
War and Peace: a tale of two economies
Nominal and real return on assets classes for Japan and Switzerland over the past 100 years.
Investments Office , Ronald Weber
Financing the Global Transition
Interesting remarks on the current financial situation by the Governor of the Bank of Canada
Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada , 21 June 2012
How heavenly is the German haven?
Angela Merkel stated last week: “Germany is strong. Germany is the economic engine and the anchor of stability in Europe. (...) But Germany’s strength is not infinite”. We could not agree more with the latter part.
Lombard Odier, June 21, 2012 , Investment Strategy Group
Hugh Hendry 2012 Letter and Views
After two years of silence, Hugh Hendry is back and still at his best with a new investment and shareholder letter.
The Eclectica Fund, April 2012 , Hugh Hendry
La Grèce Contemporaine
Observations on Greece's Public finances from 1858. Some things never change!
Troisième Edition, Paris 1858 , Edmond About
UK Public Debt as a percentage of GDP since 1692
HM Treasury; Gregory Clark (2008), www.ukpublicspending.co.uk; Office of National Statistics; McKinsey Global Institute
US Government Debt as a percentage of GDP since 1792
An American History Lesson for Europe
You can draw your own conclusions and parallels with Europe today, and the U.S. Federal Government bailout of the States in 1789, and its refusal to do so again in the 1840s !
WSJ, February 3, 2012 , Thomas Sargent
These PIIGS Went to Market
For the two PIIGS still going to debt market (Italy and Spain, the others have been bailed out), where are we now? Debt auctions so far have largely gone just fine, with ample coverage and falling yields.
Fisher Investments MarketMinder , 03.02.2012