CS Swiss Pension Fund Index

Swiss Pension Funds
Asset Allocation

Periodic Table of Asset Class Returns in Swiss Francs

Pension Funds - Pensionskassen - Caisses de Pensions
Pension Funds Switzerland, 2019 Edition |
For institutional investors only

made possible thanks to the following sponsors:
articles 1-10 / 26 |
page 1 of 3
Swiss Pension Fund Indices 2019 Q3 YTD Returns
Pictet LPP 2000 Indices
Pictet Asset Management SA, October 2019
Yearly Returns of International Bond Markets in Swiss Francs
(2009 - 2018)
Hinder Asset Management, 2019 , Dr. Alex Hinder
Asset Class Returns in Swiss Francs (2009 - 2018)
Hinder Asset Management, 2019 , Dr. Alex Hinder
Pension Funds Asset Allocation 2018
Global Pension Assets Study 2019 , Willis Towers Watson and secondary sources
Aggregate P7 asset allocation from 1998 to 2018
Global Pension Assets Study 2019 , Willis Towers Watson and secondary sources
Pension asset allocation, Aggregate – end 2008 versus end 2013 versus end 2018
Switzerland and the United States
Global Pension Assets Study 2019 , Willis Towers Watson and secondary sources
Domestic equity over total equity exposure
Global Pension Assets Study 2019 , Willis Towers Watson and secondary sources
Domestic bonds over total bond exposure
Global Pension Assets Study 2019 , Willis Towers Watson and secondary sources
Pension asset allocation, Aggregate – end 2008 versus end 2013 versus end 2018
Australia, Canada, Japan and the Netherlands
Global Pension Assets Study 2019 , Willis Towers Watson and secondary sources
Credit Suisse Swiss Pension Fund Index Chart
Breakdown by Segment Size
Credit Suisse, 30.06.2019
Asset Allocation 2018
Switzerland, U.K., U.S., P7 Australia, Canada, Japan, Netherlands

Asset Allocation
from 1998 to 2018

Asset Allocation Switzerland and the U.S.
end 2008, vs. 2013 vs. 2018
