Markets in History
Historical Perspectives on Markets and the Economy
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Currency Competition in Switzerland, 1826-1850
Kyklos, Volume 41, Issue 3, August 1988 , Ernst Juerg Weber
Direct-Drive Motor Company
Founded in 1917 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Direct Drive Motor Car Company built automobiles under the brand Champion. In 1923 the Company was renamed as the Champion Motors Corporation (between 1908 and 1923 there were three car brands in the US with the same name).
Investment Office, October 2019
Wars and Financial Panics: Global Bear Markets in the Twentieth Century
"The 1700s was a century of war during which there were five bear markets, each driven directly or indirectly by a European war. The 1800s, on the other hand, was a century of peace, with numerous panics, but only one global bear market which occurred in the 1840s. There were no global bear markets between 1848 and 1912, a 64-year stretch of peace and economic growth.
War hit the world in 1914 when World War I began. Four bear markets occurred between 1912 and 1949. With the world generally at peace after World War II, recessions, sometimes driven by financial panics, were the main cause of bear markets."
Global Financial Data, Aug 19, 2019 , Dr. Bryan Taylor
Public and Private Currency Competition
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 19, 2019 , James Bullard
Four Centuries of Stocks and Bonds in Retrospect
Financial markets have evolved over time. The relationship between stocks and bonds differed in each of the eras that Global Financial Data has designated in the past: Mercantilism (1602-1800), Free Trade (1800-1914), Regulation (1914-1981) and Globalization (1981-).
Global Financial Data, Aug 14 2019 , Dr. Brian Taylor
A living artifact from the Dutch Golden Age:
Yales 367-year-old water bond still pays interest
Yale News, September 22, 2015 , Mike Cummings
Investors and the French Revolution
"Few people realize how active the Paris stock market was during the 1700s. The Paris stock exchange was founded on September 24, 1724, though shares in the French East India Co. (Compagnie des Indes) had traded in Paris for years."
Global Financial Data, 17 April 2019 , Dr. Brian Taylor
750 Years of Interest Rates
"With these two charts, you can see how unusual the current decline in interest rates is, pushing yields down to levels that hadnt been reached during the past seven centuries."
Global Financial Data, 3 March 2019 , Dr. Brian Taylor
The Forgotten Depression
1921: The Crash That Cured Itself
Simon & Schuster, November 17, 2015 , James Grant
Gold in Perspective
"There is no doubt that violating Federal Law and holding gold would have underperformed a diversified portfolio of stocks. However, the appropriate comparison is what cash, net of income tax, would have returned over this period. And here again calculating that is trickier than one might expect, because hundreds of banks failed in the 1930's and there was no FDIC insurance. And the Treasury didn't begin auctioning Tbills until 1929!"
Daily Speculations, March 6, 2019 , Larry Williams, Rocky Humbert
Bubbles and Crashes
Business Cycles Central Banks
Commodities Contrarian
Creative Destruction Credit Crunch
Current Account
Deflation Depression
Equity Europe Financial Crisis Fiscal Policy
Gloom and Doom Gold
Government Debt
Historical Patterns
Household Debt Inflation
Interest Rates
Market Timing
Monetary Policy Oil Panics Permabears PIIGS Predictions
Productivity Real Estate
Sovereign Bonds Systemic Risk
Tail Risk
Tipping Point Trade Balance
U.S.A. Uncertainty