Archetypes as Triggers of Financial Bubbles
"The author aims to demonstrate the workings of archetypes and proposes a measurement methodology designed to capture the subliminal forces that influence investment decisions."
Journal of Behavioral Finance, Volume 18, 2017 - Issue 1 , Niklas Hageback
750 Years of Interest Rates
"With these two charts, you can see how unusual the current decline in interest rates is, pushing yields down to levels that hadn’t been reached during the past seven centuries."
Global Financial Data, 3 March 2019 , Dr. Brian Taylor
Explaining the High P/E Ratios: The Message from the Gordon Model
The Journal Of Investment Management, Vol. 16 No.4, 2018 , Heinz Zimmermann
I Get Knocked Down, Then I Get Knocked Down Again…
When Will Value Investing Get Back Up?
Brandywine Global, Around the Curve, March 25 2019 , Patrick S. Kaser, CFA
10 Years of Slow Growth Fears
Growth slowdown fears appear omnipresent these days as investors worry this long global economic expansion is on the wane. But slowish growth isn’t a bull market killer—as stocks’ overall rise over the last decade attests.
Fisher Investments MarketMinder, 03/25/2019 , Editorial Staff
Gold in Perspective
"There is no doubt that violating Federal Law and holding gold would have underperformed a diversified portfolio of stocks. However, the appropriate comparison is what cash, net of income tax, would have returned over this period. And here again calculating that is trickier than one might expect, because hundreds of banks failed in the 1930's and there was no FDIC insurance. And the Treasury didn't begin auctioning Tbills until 1929!"
Daily Speculations, March 6, 2019 , Larry Williams, Rocky Humbert
The Turkey
Remember Le Fevre's the "Turkey" in Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. The young guy told him, sell, take your profit. The Turkey says: "It's a bull market. I don't want to lose my position."
Daily Speculations, February 16, 2019 , Jim Sogi
A Century of Chinese Stocks and Bonds
"London was the financial center of the world until World War II, and many companies in emerging markets listed their shares on the London Stock Exchange before a stock exchange even existed in that country. After World War I, many companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange."
Global Financial Data, 4 January 2019 , Dr. Brian Taylor
The Broken Window Fallacy
"In 1850, the French economist Frederic Bastiat introduces the concept of opportunity cost with a fallacy in Chapter I of his book “Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas” (What we see and what we don’t see). In Bastiat’s tale, a man’s son breaks a pane of glass, which ultimately stimulates the economy."
Gavekal Intelligence Software, The Quant Corner, February 2019 , Didier Darcet
The Evolution of Swiss Institutional Investor Portfolios
1920 - 2017
Corestone Investment Managers, 2018